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Why choose us?

  • 24hr service to suit your operating times.
  • Bespoke service suited to your requirements.
  • Over 10 years of satisfied customers.
  • National coverage with local teams.
  • ISO 9001 signifies our commitment to ensuring complete customer satisfaction.
  • Our economies of scale offer genuine cost efficiency.

UK-wide but operating at a local level

We’ve developed deep partnerships with strategically selected and regionally based independent Contract and Specialist Cleaning teams.

Working under our umbrella, partners are supported by a  robust management team to meet our exacting KPIs on quality, health & safety and environmental standards. 

This approach benefits our clients giving them access to the best the UK has to offer in skilled cleaning staff but always backed up by a trusted, national company. 

Our people are our greatest assets

We empower our partners to take ownership of each and every cleaning project, they’re rewarded emotionally and incentivised financially. 

Laura Collier Founder of CSG As a result, we achieve impressively low staff churn rates, incredibly high standards and a willingness to go above and beyond. Laura Collier Signature

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