The Cleaning Services Group Are well ahead of Projected Targets
We had at the start of this financial year (starting March) plans in place to increase our turnover this year by 30%, 20% for 2014-2015 and 15% for 2015 -2016 with a similar increase of course in our profitability. With 5 months to go before our year end we have already exceeded the 2013-2014 target and even with the expected slowdown over December and January within our sphere of cleaning we are projected to hit the target for the following year. Consequently targets for 2014-2015 have had to be adjusted upwards. This unexpected rapid growth has been achieved without jeopardising our overall financial stability which is a risk associated with rapid growth.
This remarkable growth has been achieved thanks to our investment and continual development of our web presence which brings in the initial inquiries. These would be of no value however if our response to the customer was not efficient, timely and met their requirements. This then has to be followed by the same efficiency in the quality of our cleaning. Because all three of these elements are in place and functioning very well and the end product, namely our cleaning is of the highest standard, we have been able to accommodate the majority of the inquiries and retain these as on going customers and thus grow the business. The key element in all our contracts is ongoing communication at all levels and excellent planning. Maintaining this pattern of operation throughout all the branches of our cleaning services should hopefully see us continue to grow.
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